Marco Ferrari | | | |
Department | Biosciences |
Project title | Inhibition of cellular defenses as a strategy for arthropod vectors control |
Tutor | Claudio Bandi |
Co-tutor | - |
PhD cycle | XXX |
ORCID | 0000-0003-0283-4263 |
Thesis committee | |
- ISI Journal articles
- Mastrantonio, V.*, Ferrari, M.*, Epis, S., Negri, A., Scuccimarra, G., Montagna, M., Favia, G., Porretta, D., Urbanelli, S., Bandi, C. (2017). Gene expression modulation of ABC transporter genes in response to permethrin in adults of the mosquito malaria vector Anopheles stephensi. Acta Tropica in press
- Mastrantonio, V.*, Ferrari, M.*, Epis, S., Sturmo, T., Favia, G., Porretta D., Bandi, C., Urbanelli, S. (2017). Detoxifying action and modulated gene expression of ABC transporters during permethrin exposure in Anopheles gambiae s.s. Pathogens and Global Health in press
- De Marco, L., Sassera, D., Epis, S., Mastrantonio, V., Ferrari, M., Ricci, I., Comandatore, F., Bandi, C., Porretta, D., Urbanelli, S. (2017). The choreography of the chemical defensome response to insec2cide stress. Scientific Reports, 7, 41312.
- Porretta, D., Epis, S., Mastrantonio, V., Ferrari, M., Bellini, R., Favia, G., Urbanelli, S. (2016). How heterogeneous is the involvement of ABC transporters against insecticides?Acta Tropica, 157, 131-135.
- Congress abstracts
- Ferrari, M., De Marco, L., Porretta, D., Mastrantonio, V., Negri, A., Favia, G., Sassera, D., Bandi, C., Epis, S. (2017). Temporal patterns of insecticide response in Anopheles stephensi and identification of molecular targets for gene silencing. Italian Malaria Network Conference in Roma
- Ferrari, M., Negri, A., De Marco, L., Sturmo, T., Mastrantonio, V., Porretta, D., Urbanelli, S., Habluetzel, A., Favia, G., Epis, S. (2016). ABC transporters involvement in Anopheles stephensi defense against Azadirachta indica extract. XXIX SoIPa Congress in Bari
- Ferrari, M., Negri, A., Varotto Boccazzi, I., Mastrantonio, V., Porretta, D., Urbanelli, S., Favia, G., Bandi, C., Epis, S. (2016). Silencing ABCG4 transporter gene to increase insecticide efficacy against mosquito larvae. EMBO Young Scientists' Forum in Lisboa
- Ferrari, M., Porretta, D., Mastrantonio, V., De Marco, L., Negri, A., Urbanelli, S., Favia, G., Bandi, C., Epis, S. (2016). The involvement of ABC transporters in the resistance to permethrin insecticide in the malaria vector Anopheles stephensi. XXV Italian National Entomological Congress CNIE in Padova
- Varotto Boccazzi, I., Martin, E., Ottoboni, M., Ferrari, M., Spranghers, T., Eeckhout, M., Pinotti, L., Epis, S. (2016). Studio della comunità fungina associata alle larve di mosca soldato nera (Hermetia illucens) allevate per la produzione di mangimi su larga scala. XXV Italian National Entomological Congress CNIE in Padova