Alice Crespi | | | |
Department | Physics |
Project title | Proiezione dell'informazione climatica ad alta risoluzione con particolare attenzione agli ambienti d'alta quota |
Tutor | Maurizio Maugeri |
Co-tutor | Guglielmina Diolaiuti - |
PhD cycle | XXXI |
ORCID | 0000-0003-4186-8474 |
Thesis committee | |
- ISI Journal articles
- Crespi, A., Bernardoni, V., Calzolai, G., Lucarelli, F., Nava, S., Valli, G., & Vecchi, R. (2016). Implementing constrained multi-time approach with bootstrap analysis in ME-2: An application to PM2.5 data from Florence (Italy). Science of The Total Environment, 541, 502–511. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2015.08.159
- Congress publications
- Brunetti M., A. Crespi, M. Maugeri (2016). Temperature and precipitation climatologies for Italy and downscaling of the italian secular records onto a high-resolution grid - In: Climate challenges and solutions under the 2°C target. Cagliari: SISC, 2016 Oct. - ISBN 9788897666097. - pp. 66-67
- Castellarin, Attilio; Archetti, Renata; Baratti, Emanuele; Cappelletti, Matteo; Carisi, Francesca; Domeneghetti, Alessio; Gaeta, Maria Gabriella; Paci, Agnese; Persiano, Simone; Pugliese, Alessio; Samaras, Achilleas G.; (2016): Atti del XXXV Convegno Nazionale di Idraulica e Costruzioni Idrauliche; Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna.
- Congress abstracts
- Crespi, A., Brunetti, M., Maugeri, M. High-resolution precipitation database for the last two centuries in Italy: climatologies and anomalies. Geophysical Research Abstracts, vol.19, EGU2017-14998, 2017.
- Crespi, A., Brunetti, M., Maugeri, M. Precipitation climatologies and high-resolution monthly secular precipitation records for Italy. Joint Congress of the 6th International Conference on Meteorology and Climatology of the Mediterranean & Challenges in Meteorology 5. Book of Abstracts, 2017
- Ranzi, R., Goatelli, F., Castioni, C., Tomirotti, M., Crespi, A., Mattea, E., Brunetti, M., Maugeri, M. Long term statistics (1845-2014) of daily runoff maxima, monthly rainfall and runoff in the Adda basin (Italian Alps) under natural and anthropogenic changes. Geophysical Research Abstracts, vol.19, EGU2017-15469, 2017.
- Crespi, A., Brunetti, M., Maugeri, M. (2016). 1961-1990 high-resolution monthly precipitation climatologies for Italy. Medclivar 2016 Conference. ID: 2016/2-027.
- Crespi, A., Maugeri, M., Brunetti, M. (2016). 1961-1990 high-resolution monthly precipitation climatologies for Italy. EMS Annual Meeting Abstracts, Vol. 13, EMS2016-88.