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Alessio Golzio
DepartmentEarth Sciences "Ardito Desio"
Project titleGlacier foreland evolution under climate changes: the interactions between micrometeorology and tree colonisation, and risk management for human activities.
TutorManuela Pelfini
Co-tutorMaurizio Maugeri email - Physics
PhD cycleXXXII
Thesis committee

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    ISI Journal articles
  • A. Golzio, A. Crespi, I.M. Bollati, A. Senese, G.A. Diolaiuti, M. Pelfini, M. Maugeri, High-Resolution Monthly Precipitation Fields (1913–2015) over a Complex Mountain Area Centred on the Forni Valley (Central Italian Alps), Advances in Meteorology Volume 2018, Article ID 9123814, 17 pages
  • I. Bollati, B. Crosa Lenz, A. Golzio, A. Masseroli, Tree rings as ecological indicator of geomorphic activity in geoheritage studies, Ecological Indicators, Volume 93, 2018, Pages 899-916, ISSN 1470-160X,
  • Journal articles
  • Mercalli L., Cat Berro D., Fornengo F., Tamburini A., Villa F. and Golzio A., Ghiacciaio Ciardoney (Gran Paradiso): un trentennio di monitoraggio (1986-2016), Nimbus, 76 (2016)
  • Congress abstracts
  • Micrometeorology and tree recolonization in glacier forelands: Forni Glacier campaign 2017 (Central Italian Alps) Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 21, EGU2019-14045, 2019 EGU General Assembly 2019
